2014 Video Apple

Ten food facts that will terrify you

If you think you're a real guman or just enjoying the delicious meals of the world's peoples, the food facts listed here can be a real discovery for you.

1. In Japan, the most common use of a fish called a sineper tuna is for terrestrial preparation. However, this fish is capable of causing not only pleasure but also heart attacks or other diseases of the heart muscle. All because her meat contains a very dangerous connection, a corn that in large quantities increases the risk of heart failures at times.

2. To try all varieties of apples produced today (7, 5,000 classes), You'll spend 20 years of your life. It's certainly one apple, one day.

3. Do you know that smokers are better off taking beta-carothin vitamins? The thing is, tobacco smoke responds to this useful vitamin and turns it into carcinogens.

4. Recent research has shown that over 90 per cent of all fruit contains a large number of pesticides, even after thermal treatment. This applies primarily to peaches and apples.

5. An ordinary banana can attract mosquitoes, so we advise you not to eat a lot of these fruit before going to the river or in the woods.
6. The chicken has now been about 200 times more fat and 30 per cent less protein than 40 years ago. Such changes have taken place because of the use of non-natural feeds on birds.

7. As an internal coating of canned banks and some plastic bottles, they use resin with bisphenol A. This element may cause problems with human reproductive functions up to the infertility.

8. If you've noticed on the package of a dietary product that there's little fat in it, maybe you're being deceived. This does not mean that the product is low-calorium, and natural fats can always be replaced by harmful chemistry that completely simulates the quality of food.

9. You must have noticed that almost all children's sweets have a bright color. It is these saturated lacoma colours that often include substances that give rise to the hypocrisy and transport of our chads, and it is virtually impossible to abandon them completely.

10. In order to reverse all the calories that have been recruited since the bistro and the use of fast food, it is necessary to run for eight hours, so the dietologists recommend that such facilities be visited at least once a month.

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